Sunday, May 9, 2010


As an inherently altruistic and philanthropic person, I've started donating my expertise to people who need it.

One young fellow asked for assistance in selecting a mouthwash to use as part of his new oral hygiene regime. I told him that tabasco (or other hot sauce) mixed with mint (or other herbs) would do the trick better and cheaper than commercial mouthwashes, and can be swallowed after swirling around in the mouth, unlike the often-carcinogenic products on offer in stores.

Later, an 11-year-old wrote in asking for advice on how to deal with an unwelcome build-up of static electricity in his hair. I advised him to use the static electricity to recharge batteries (but to be careful to only feed it in through the negative terminal so the battery doesn't explode).

In other news, we bought a van! It is enormous and white and has a very stylish* brown-on-brown interior. We're heading to Vancouver Island tomorrow on a short-hop test of our van tourist aptitude and preparedness, with hopes of finding some nice XC-friendly trails to ride (and borrowing my sister's boyfriend's mechanical aptitude).

Hopefully the trails will be bear-free, because... we saw a bear - WE SAW A BEAR!!!! - two days back, and it was a) huge and b) a small specimen of the smallest local bear species. I decided at that point to avoid that chunk of trail for a while, but then accidentally rode down it yesterday. Bears may or may not shit in the woods, but I certainly was when I realised where I'd ended up.

* = may not be stylish

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