Thursday, April 22, 2010

Staggy Goodness

Original plans were for carnage, with Abu Ghraib references on the invites and accompanying text implying, if not extreme, then at least significant physical, psychological, and emotional trauma for Doctor Mister Groom. Given that the wedding was the next day, however, reason and the righteous wrath of soon-to-be Mrs Doctor Mister were invoked, and eventually prevailed, and plan of attack became less attack-oriented; net cricket with beer, followed by beer and eating.

Having left Waiheke with no clothing appropriate for attending a wedding, Janine and I spent the morning trawling op shops for something to wear. I ended up with suit, shirt, shoes, and cufflinks for AUD$32, which was pleasing. Ran out of time to source trench coat, ragged old pants, and floppy hat though, which was a shame as I'd half-planned to arrive at the cricket early, disguised as a tramp, and spend some time heckling before joining in the game. Was hoping to pull off the tramp effect convincingly enough to get a couple of deliveries in before unmasking, but I suspect that might have been slightly optimistic. Moot point, really, as I didn't actually try.

Cricket was fun. Didn't manage to neuter Doctor Mister, although not for want of trying. Did manage to collect him in the thigh, though - right where the thigh-pad he'd chosen not to wear would have been, just to add insult to the injury.

The rest of the evening came down to something like: tram fun, beer, beer and food, tram fun, long walk (with unsuccessful hitch-hiking), pickup, snoring. I call that a successful evening. Not sure Janine agrees.

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