Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ferrets are slinky. I know this because the Vancouver Sun told me so. Twice in one short article.

The (very slinky) black-footed ferret was thought to have become extinct in the 1930s. In 1981 a farm dog caught and killed one, which left biologists in the US apparently "ecstatic" at the opportunity to trap, breed, and eventually gradually reintroduce the slinky cuties to the wild.

Biologists in NZ are less ecstatic with the ferrets living in the Wairarapa, which have killed and/or consumed 9 of the 54 kiwi at a bird sanctuary there within the last month. Some sanctuary. I'm not entirely sure why the Department of Conversation thinks it's a good idea to move the birds from the actual sanctuary of Little Barrier Island to this place in the Wairarapa which has no fences and relies heavily on a buffer zone of farmland around the area which houses the kiwi. Apparently they "really can't do much more" yet they are "certainly not" contemplating removing the remaining kiwi back to Little Barrier despite admitting that "mathematically" there are more dangers for kiwi in the unfenced, unprotected Wairarapa "sanctuary" than on the pest- and predator-free island they took them from in the first place.

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