Monday, December 6, 2010

New Nubbins

Short Version:
Thanksgiving in Amerika is about gathering together with family and friends and eating far too much. Kind of like Xmas in NZ, only without the crass commercialism and the religious nonsense.

Long Version:
We arrived back at the house on Canterbury Circle to find it filling rapidly - eventually to the brim - with people who, for one reason or another, were not with their families; a few literal orphans, and a lot of East Coast folks, for whom the tyranny of Amerikan distance had proved visit-prohibitive. Several of them, at various points in the evening, described moving West as the best thing they've ever done, with one saying she felt like she hadn't realised what it was like to breathe properly until she moved to Oregon.

The Nest of pillows and blankets on the living-room floor worked a treat in the absence of and in preference to a more formal table setting, and the feeling of familial friendliness that permeated the gathering was wonderful. We met a bunch of new faces, and by the end of the evening felt like we'd known them all for a lot longer than just a few hours. Unsurprisingly, week-old Corbin stole the show when he put in his appearance, although the description of beer-cheese soup (and the promise of a recipe) was up there as well. The deliciousness of the delicious foods was pretty extreme, from cranberry/wasabi cream cheese dip, to roast tofurkey with cranberries, to pumpkin pies, and and and and and and we all ate far too much, especially Nubbins*, who ended up lying on the floor rubbing her belly and groaning. There were conversations about bioluminescence in Puerto Rico and on Waiheke, medical and other writings, and the joys and perils of being a counsellor for drug-addled teens at a remote backwoods treatment facility.

Then, all-too-soon, it was time for us to leave. Farewells were said, threats (to and from me) and promises (to and from Nene) of visits in the future were made, hugs were given and received. The Reaper seemed extra-cold on the way to the motel.

* = A complaint about an inappropriate nickname led to a raft of suggestions for new ones. Nubbins** was the clear standout.

** = All together now; (E) A nubbin, a nubbin, a nubbin, a nubbin, (A7) A nubbin, a nubbin, a nubbin, a nubbin! (REPEAT)

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