Saturday, December 11, 2010


Short Version:
Toes. Wives.

Long Version:
While we've been wandering through ramshackle ex-factories perusing artists' studios, buttering up little old ladies at craft fairs, and spending hour after hour exploring the forested foothills of the North Vancouver mountains with the increasingly disobedient pooches, Canada's been popping up in the NZ news, and for some slightly odd reasons:

- Sour Toe Cocktails.
A glass of whisky, into which a severed human toe is plopped. You pays your money, you drinks your whisky - ensuring that the wrinkled, brownish toe touches your lips - and you is a member of the club. Nice one!

- Polygamy.
Canada, and particularly British Columbia, are investigating whether the ban on polygamous relationships contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is the equivalent of the Amerikan Constitution, only without the hype. In short, they're questioning whether polygamy should be allowed, and the scaremongers are already ranting about the inevitable influx of fringe religious groups should the 120-year-old prohibition be overturned. Having spent a bunch of time in Utah, and drunk a lot of Wasatch Breweries' Polygamy Porter (You can't have just one!"), this one piqued our interest.
The definitions of what constitutes an illicit multiple-partner relationship which have emanated from various lawyers and law-makers since the hearings began have been confused, confusing, and contradictory, and the issue which we initially thought was so laughable has proved to have some depth to it: leaving aside personal prejudice against extremist Mormons and other religious personages, why is polygamy so frowned-upon? In this day and age, where Civil Unions between homo couples is deemed perfectly acceptable, why is it considered reasonable to limit the number of participants in that union to two? Or does the prohibition apply only to hetero couples, and then only when the gender mix is one-to-many man-to-women? Are provisos around underage brides sufficient, or is a brainwashed wife an inappropriate wife regardless of her age?

Far as I'm concerned, if you need more than one wife, you married the wrong woman.

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